“At Asheville PEAK Academy, we pride ourselves in nurturing our students’ ability to learn and grow at a pace that helps them achieve their highest level of success”
Camesha Minto
Senior Teacher; Curriculum, Instruction & Testing
Mastery, Goal Driven Instruction
Instruction at Asheville PEAK Academy is rigorous and scholar-centered, driven by scholars’ capacity to master material as opposed to simply following a scripted curriculum. Teachers create their instructional plan based on scholars readiness and needs. By setting ambitious, clear, and measurable goals, teachers start with a backwards-planning model, and invest in scholars in reaching those goals.
Teachers consistently and frequently assess and reassess student progress using formative and benchmark assessments. This information is then used to guide their planning and instruction. Each core subject has built in time to provide additional support, remediation, and opportunities of enriched learning.
Inquiry Based Learning
Asheville PEAK Academy is dynamic throughout. Teachers utilize an inquiry-based model that recognizes scholars knowledge by doing. Teachers at PEAK constantly trigger scholars’ curiosity and create a deep thirst for knowledge by exposing them to new ideas. Scholars are actively engaged in their learning process: asking questions; exploring ideas; making discoveries; collaboratively problem solving; and reflecting on their own learning.
Culturally Relevant Instruction
Staff at Asheville PEAK Academy all have a deep understanding and respect for scholars’ backgrounds. Embracing of differences is reflected in the various ways teachers interact with their scholars; the resources they use; and the emphasis on scholars’ own culture and community. This approach allows scholars to master content in a more personal way.
What a teacher learns about his or her scholars will be woven into the classroom, emphasizing their interests, passions, and talents to drive out any fears or insecurities that can be a hindrance to learning.
Teachers at PEAK Academy encourage students to identify problems their communities face; analyze their root causes; and seek ways to address them; thus, empowering scholars with service learning and outreach opportunities.
Scholars at PEAK Academy feel safe being who they are and belonging to a positive school culture. Scholars know they are valued, feel secure taking risks, and learn to develop a strong, confident voice that is authentic and genuine.
Dedication to Developing Character
Asheville PEAK Academy promotes excellence in living as well as learning. The goal at PEAK Academy is not just for scholars to exemplify good behavior, but to develop excellent, virtuous character traits, and a desire to make the world a better place.
Teachers implement systematic and authentic strategies for integrating character education into the context of regular instruction. Character education is extended into project and service-based learning where students have opportunities to apply their learning in their homes and in the community.
All staff take full responsibility for the development of scholars’ character. Our staff teach and invest scholars in school wide Core Values that cultivate a sense of personal and civic responsibility. Teachers also model strong character, use persons of character as models, and praise and reward students for exemplifying the Core Values.
School Report Card
Each Year, Asheville PEAK Academy has its students complete their standardized testing (EOY’s) for our Grade 3 students. Here are the results for our students below: